Jesus Rodriguez - Guatemala
Our first time working with Jesus Rodriguez, this lot is sweet and approachable with a profile of hazelnuts, sweet honey and pear.
- Variety: Pache
- Country: Guatemala
- Region: Volcancito, Casillas, Guatemala
- Process: Washed
- Altitude: 1820 MASL
- Harvest: 2024
- Producer: Jesus Rodriguez
- Farm: Los Pocitos
- Roast Level: Light-Medium
In the cup
In the cup we get a sweet and approachable profile of hazelnuts and sweet honey. We get a soft malic acidity of pear and a light body with a clean, sweet finish.

About The Producer
Jesus started growing coffee out of need when he was very young, 27 years ago. He didn’t have enough money to buy the plants or the seeds so he would go to his neighbor's farms to pick some seeds and start his own seedlings. He started with 200 plants of native coffee and he fell in love with farming coffee and trees so he started planting other varieties of plants like pine trees for shade. Nowadays those pine trees are the main source of shade for his coffee crop.
A natural mutation of the Typica variety related to a single gene that causes the plant to grow smaller (Dwarf/Compactism), which allows it to be planted more densely and achieve higher yields. The variety was discovered in 1949 in Guatemala on the Brito farm in Santa Cruz Naranjo, Santa Rosa. From there it was selected by mass selection, meaning that a group of individuals are selected based on their superior performance, seed from these plants is bulked to form a new generation, and then the process is repeated. Mass selection took place across private farms in Guatemala, and from there spread to other regions and countries.