Ayele Tulu - Ethiopia
Ayele Tulu - Ethiopia
Ayele Tulu - Ethiopia

Ayele Tulu - Ethiopia

Sale priceR 306.00

Our first year working with this lot from Ayele Tulu, in the cup we get a clean washed Ethiopia profile of florals, apricot, juicy citrus, and black tea.


  • Variety: Landrace
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Jimma Zone, Gera Woreda
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 2139-2350 MASL
  • Harvest: 2024
  • Washing Station: Ayele Tulu
  • Roast Level: Light

tasting iconIn the cup

We taste a clean Ethiopia profile of florals, apricot, plums, juicy citrus, and black tea. This coffee is delicate and bright with a light body and clean floral finish.

Clean Funky
Terroir Process

producer iconAbout The Producer

The Ayele Tulu Washing Station is situated in the Bona Zuria district of the Sidama region, more specifically in the Demeka Becha Kebele, 100 km from Hawassa, Ethiopia. Founded by second-generation grower Ayele Tulu and his son, Tsegab Ayele, Tsegab oversees all factory protocols from harvest to export, ensuring that each step adheres to the highest quality standards. Due to the region's high elevation, the coffees produced here are famously known as "Highland Coffee." Each year, approximately 600 smallholder producers bring ripe cherries to this washing station.

variety iconVariety

Landrace is an umbrella term that refers to all the coffee varietals endemic to Ethiopia. As believed to be the birthplace of coffee, the trees have been growing and cross-breeding for centuries in this country. As a result, today, there are numerous sub-varietals with some common genetics but slightly different behaviour and taste. Relatively recently, in the last few decades, there has been an organized effort to research and identify different endemic varietals growing in Ethiopia by name, disease resilience and yield production.

transparency iconTransparency

importer icon Imported
boat icon We Paid
13.14 USD/KG
roasting coffee icon Roasted Costs
17.11 USD/KG