Bekele Yutute - Ethiopia (Extra-Light)

Bekele Yutute - Ethiopia (Extra-Light)

Sale priceR 332.00
Sold out

Our first year working with Bekele Yutute's coffee, this is a vibrant and juicy lot. We taste a vibrant and sweet cup with tropical sweetness and citric acidity. This is an Extra-Light variant of Yutute that is recommended to experienced brewers as it requires forty days of rest after the roast for best results. Extra-Light profiles sacrifice sweetness and initial intensity for clarity.


  • Variety: Jarc 74158
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Sidama
  • Process: Natural
  • Altitude: 2350 MASL
  • Harvest: 2024
  • Producer: Bekele Yutute
  • Roast Level: Extra-Light

tasting iconIn the cup

In the cup we get an intense sweetness of blueberries with a vibrant tropical acidity that reminds us of mangos. This coffee has a medium body and a long sweet finish.

Clean Funky
Terroir Process

producer iconAbout The Producer

Bekele Yutute is Ethiopia’s 4th place cup of excellence winner for 2024. Bekele’s farm is called Denbi and extends to only 3.9 hectares. The farm is located at an impressive altitude of 2350 meters above sea level! This extraordinarily high elevation, paired with the region’s cool climate creates perfect conditions for the slow maturation of coffee cherries, resulting in surprisingly small, denser beans with a sweeter and more complex flavor profile.

process iconProcessing

This coffee was dried on raised covered beds for 18 days, shaded at peak sun to ensure proper drying and processing.

variety iconVariety

The Jimma Agricultural Research Centre (JARC), one of Ethiopia’s federal agricultural research centers, approved the release of 74158 in 1979. The variety originally came out of the Metu Bishari Selections taken from mother plants from the Metu woreda (district) of the Illuababora zone. 74158 was selected and propagated for its high yield potential and resistance to coffee berry disease.

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importer icon Imported
Crop to Cup
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