Mate Matiwos - Ethiopia
Mate Matiwos - Ethiopia
Mate Matiwos - Ethiopia

Mate Matiwos - Ethiopia

Sale priceR 411.00
Sold out

Our first year working with Mate, and yet another single producer lot from Ethiopia. Mate is a cup of excellence finalist, this year taking second place. We believe this lot is a great example of the quality coming from Mate and why he ranked second for his naturally processed 74158. In the cup we get grape, blackberry and a vibrant acidity.


  • Variety: Jarc 74158
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Keramo, Bensa
  • Process: Anaerobic Natural
  • Altitude: 2250 MASL
  • Harvest: 2023/2024
  • Producer: Mate Matiwos
  • Roast Level: Light

tasting iconIn the cup

In the cup we get a sweet profile of dark berries with a juicy grape like acidity. This coffee has a round body and and a long sweet finish.

Clean Funky
Terroir Process

producer iconAbout The Producer

Mate Matiwos was born in Keramo to a family in the coffee business. Before coffee, he made a living by trading commodities locally; when that business became profitiable, he switched to coffee farming and leased land in Keramo and Danche. In addition to raising his 6 children (three boys and three girls—his oldest son is in university, the second eldest helps on the farm, and youngest is a teacher) Mate is active in his community and is the local preacher and church leader.

variety iconVariety

The Jimma Agricultural Research Centre (JARC), one of Ethiopia’s federal agricultural research centers, approved the release of 74158 in 1979. The variety originally came out of the Metu Bishari Selections taken from mother plants from the Metu woreda (district) of the Illuababora zone. 74158 was selected and propagated for its high yield potential and resistance to coffee berry disease.

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importer icon Imported
Crop to Cup
boat icon We Paid
roasting coffee icon Roasted Costs