San Pedro Ocopetatillo - Mexico
San Pedro Ocopetatillo - Mexico

San Pedro Ocopetatillo - Mexico

Sale priceR 306.00
Sold out

Our first year working with this beautiful lot from San Pedro Ocopetatillo from Mexico, made up of various indigenous smallholders located within the Sierra Mazateca.


  • Variety: Typica, Bourbon, Mundo Nono, Caturra
  • Country: Mexico
  • Region: Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1600 MASL
  • Harvest: 2024
  • Farm: Various (25 Farmers)
  • Roast Level: Light

tasting iconIn the cup

In the cup we get the sweetness of cherry and almond with a profile that reminds us of the old fashioned and vanilla. This coffee has a balanced acidity, a round body and a sweet, clean finish.

Clean Funky
Terroir Process

producer iconAbout The Producer

The Sierra Mazateca is part of the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca mountain range, in the far north of the state of Oaxaca. Located within the Sierra Mazateca, are various small, neighboring coffee-growing municipalities where Osito is proud to work with many indigenous coffee producers to create what we call “community micro-lots.” This lot is from the municipality of San Pedro de Ocopetatillo, where 85% of the less than 1,000-person population speaks the Mazatec language and where the average lot size is 66 kg. 25 farmers contributed their coffee to this washed coffee, and it is made up of the Typica, Mondo Nuvo, Caturra, and Bourbon varieties which were grown at 1,600 m.a.s.l.

process iconProcessing

This coffee was dried on raised covered beds for 18 days, shaded at peak sun to ensure proper drying and processing.

variety iconVariety

The Jimma Agricultural Research Centre (JARC), one of Ethiopia’s federal agricultural research centers, approved the release of 74158 in 1979. The variety originally came out of the Metu Bishari Selections taken from mother plants from the Metu woreda (district) of the Illuababora zone. 74158 was selected and propagated for its high yield potential and resistance to coffee berry disease.

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importer icon Imported
boat icon We Paid
roasting coffee icon Roasted Costs