End of an... Era?

End of an... Era?

It's true what they say... time flies when you're having fun. And while February was a very important month for September, a very busy month for September, it was fun. As a quick Kickstarter update; our initial goal of shipping all packages by the first week of March is not just wishful thinking, it's guaranteed. If there are no hiccups all remaining kickstarter packages should be shipped off Monday March 6th. If you have not received a shipment email, expect one in the next few days.


We are finished roasting for kickstarter and the final batches are bagged, packaged, and sealed, ready for pick-up on Monday. Given the perfectionism Natasha and I share in every package we ship - from coffee sorting, roasting profiles and bazar things we spend too much time considering like sticker textures (we know, we're extra), we're excited to reach this timeline. 

It has been so special seeing social media posts sharing September experiences. We handwrite every letter, so we know everyone by name. Whenever you tag us, we always recount when we packaged your shipment. Cheesy, we know. But we truly appreciate those who made this all possible. So, cheesy as it may be, we'll remain in this gratitude and humility for the life of this company. 

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