Irineo Ramirez - Guatemala Espresso
Our third crop working with Ireneo Ramirez, this producer is near and dear to our hearts as Irineo was one of our first producing partners. In the cup we find a sweet, nutty and soft profile that is complex, comfortable and versatile.
- Variety: Pache
- Country: Guatemala
- Region: El Durazno, San Miguel
- Process: Washed
- Altitude: 1900 MASL
- Harvest: 2024
- Producer: Irineo Ramirez
- Farm: El Nanse
- Roast Level: Medium-Light
In the cup
In the cup we get a sweet profile of hazelnuts, almonds and baked apples, with a milk chocolate sweetness and a creamy body. This coffee has a soft acidity and a long sweet finish.

About The Producer
Irineo lives in El Durazno, one of the further removed villages from Mataquescuintla central but possessing some of the highest altitudes of all the group members. Perched at 8900masl, he farms a small plot of 3 hectares alongside his brothers-in-law, Gregorio and Rene Muñoz.
A natural mutation of the Typica variety related to a single gene that causes the plant to grow smaller (Dwarf/Compactism), which allows it to be planted more densely and achieve higher yields. The variety was discovered in 1949 in Guatemala on the Brito farm in Santa Cruz Naranjo, Santa Rosa. From there it was selected by mass selection, meaning that a group of individuals are selected based on their superior performance, seed from these plants is bulked to form a new generation, and then the process is repeated. Mass selection took place across private farms in Guatemala, and from there spread to other regions and countries.