El Burro Lot 16 - Panama
El Burro Lot 16 - Panama
El Burro Lot 16 - Panama
El Burro Lot 16 - Panama

El Burro Lot 16 - Panama

Sale price€32,95
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Our first time working with the Lamastus Family Estates from Panama, The Lamastus Family has being producing coffee in Panama for four generations since 1918. This natural geisha is truly a beautiful coffee that reminds us of strawberry, jasmine florals and tropical sweetness like pineapple. Sold in 100g bags.


  • Variety: Geisha
  • Country: Panama
  • Region: Potrerillos, Dolega
  • Process: Natural
  • Altitude: 1800 MASL
  • Harvest: 2024
  • Producer: Lamastus Family
  • Farm: El Burro
  • Roast Level: Light

tasting iconIn the cup

We get a delicate florals like jasmine, a sweetness of strawberry and a tropical acidity that reminds us of pineapple. This coffee is clean as you'd expect from Panama Geisha, yet adventurous, with a sweetness that is very reminiscent of its natural processing.

Clean Funky
Terroir Process

producer iconAbout The Producer

More than half of this farm is located within the Volcan Baru National Park a protected ecological reserve and sanctuary for exotic plants, birds and mammals (like the tropical tiger). Hunting has been prohibited in this farm for decades. The Baru volcano is one of the highest volcanoes in Central America, with 14,000ha and 7 different climate zones depending on the elevation. Coffee in this farm is grown up to 1 8000m. This coffee is produced under a unique world-condition for several reasons: first the farm is located at a very high elevation, it is grown in rich young volcanic soils, the temperatures are low, there is lots of fog and mist during the dry season, the coffee trees are surrounded by virgin-native cloudy rain forest, the nights get cold here thereby taking a tree from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 years to start producing (2 or 3 years longer to produce than average), these low temperatures also extend the ripening time 1 month longer (thereby the development of the bean). All these unique growing conditions show in a distinguished cup.

process iconProcessing

Sun in bastidor/screen, and Guardiola rotating driers. 10 to 12 days to finish drying.

variety iconVariety

This variety was originally collected from coffee forests in Ethiopia in the 1930s. From there, it was sent to the Lyamungu research station in Tanzania, and then brought to Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Central America in the 1953, where it was logged as accession T2722. It was distributed throughout Panama via CATIE in the 1960s after it had been recognized for tolerance to coffee leaf rust. However, the plant's branches were brittle and not favored by farmers so it was not widely planted. The coffee came to prominence in 2005 when the Peterson family of Boquete, Panama, entered it into the "Best of Panama" competition and auction. It received exceptionally high marks and broke the then-record for green coffee auction prices, selling for over $20/pound.There is significant confusion about Geisha because there are multiple genetically distinct plant types that have been referred to as Geisha, many of which share similar geographic origins in Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analyses conducted by World Coffee Research confirm that Panamanian Geisha descendent from T2722 is distinct and uniform. It is associated with extremely high cup quality when the plants are managed well at high altitude, and is known for its delicate floral, jasmine, and peach-like aromas.

handshake icon Direct
$110 USD/KG