Las Perlitas - Colombia Pink Bourbon
Process: Washed
Impressions: Blood Orange, Fruit Salad, Limeade, Berries
Farm: Various (Lot 2)
Variety: Pink Bourbon
Altitude: 1600 - 1800 MASL
Region: Huila
Country: Colombia
Roast Level: LightVariety: Pink Bourbon
Altitude: 1600 - 1800 MASL
Region: Huila
Country: Colombia
In Spanish, Las Perlitas means “Little Pearls” and throughout the harvest, it’s quite common that small-holders in Colombia produce lots that aren’t large enough to be exported on their own. However, the quality is often just as good (or better) than samples received from larger lots. As such, coffee quest buy all coffees, regardless of size and create a larger, export-size lot based on cup score and profile.
In the cup we get a bright and fruity profile with a big aroma of fruit salad. It has a nice citric acidity that reminds us of blood orange and limeade, with a great sweetness that reminds us of berries and melon.
Price Transparency (USD):
We Paid Coffee Quest - $11.55/KG
Roasted Costs - $17.28/KG