Currently registering for February Subscriptions - Shipping February 7th

February Subscription Coffees

Luis Enrique Cueller - Colombia - Washed Pink Bourbon

A high elevation, bright, mouthwatering Pink Bourbon from Luis Cueller. Our first time featuring a coffee from Finca La Pradera, in the cup we get a vibrant profile of pink lemonade, jasmine florals and grapefruit.

Angel Capa Carrion - Ecuador - Yeast Innoculated Field Blend

A very sweet, high elevation Ecuador field blend consisting of Typica Mejorado, Bourbon, and Caturra. This lot of Finca Angamaza supervised by Angel Capa Carrion has a deep sweetness that reminds us of marshmellow, tropical candies, rose and tangerine.

(Subcribers Only: Discount Code "ADDON" at checkout to add additional coffees or products to your existing subscription shipment. Use codeADDON”until February 5th to be included in this box.)

Currently registering for February subscriptions

January Subscription Coffees

La Muralla - Huila, Colombia - Washed Pink Bourbon

Returning to one of our favourite washed Pink Bourbons each season, La Muralla is a mouthwatering, bright, and juicy coffee with distinct lemonade sweetness, grapefruit, and florals.

Los Patios - Gigante, Huila - Honey Field Blend

Los Patios returns and we couldn't be more excited about it. This coffee is a tropical, sweet, bright and jammy profile and in the cup we get mangos, black cherry, and red berries. This one is truly crushable.

(Subcribers Only: Discount Code "ADDON" at checkout to add additional coffees or products to your existing subscription shipment. Use codeADDON”until January 8th to be included in this box.)